News & Resources


Common employment law mistakes made by employers: #7: Failing to provide an employee the time and information needed weigh options when being dismissed

Employers generally want to promptly resolve all issues with an outgoing employee in order to avoid litigation. To achieve this, an employer must provide the employee with sufficient time and information to make an informed decision.  Apparent resolutions may not be legally binding if the employer fails to provide an…

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Incorporating with a Numbered or Named Company

Related Articles 5 signs the time is right incorporate your business Pros and cons of incorporating your business Understanding your liability when incorporating your business When you incorporate your company you can choose between having a named or a numbered company.  If you choose to go with a named company…

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Understanding Your Liability When Incorporating Your Business

Related Articles 5 signs the time is right incorporate your business Incorporating with a numbered or named company Pros and cons of incorporating your business Business owners often think that if they incorporate their business they have protected themselves from any sort of liability.  While an incorporated company does provide…

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