A lot of my clients this time of year mention that they put off making a will or updating their will for too long. They have been finding motivation in the new year to finally make their will a priority. Is making a will or updating your current will in…
News & Resources
Yes, Millennials, You Need a Will Too
Many millennials may not yet see the urgency in estate planning, believing it’s only for older or wealthier generations. However, with millennials poised to inherit over $1 trillion from Baby Boomer parents by 2026, the largest wealth transfer in Canadian history, having a Will is not just wise—it’s essential. Here’s…
Top 10 Reasons Why Estate Planning is Essential for Ontarians
The one question that estate planning lawyers receive from clients and prospective clients most often is, “Why do I need a Will?” While this is a complex question, there are many compelling reasons why everyone should have a Will. Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial and personal planning…
Proposed Changes to Capital Gain Inclusion Rates: Impacts on Individuals, Businesses, and Trusts
The Canadian federal government has proposed a significant change to the capital gain inclusion rate, impacting individuals, businesses, and trusts. This proposed change, included in the Federal budget, suggests an increase in the inclusion rate from 50% to 67% for individuals earning more than $250,000 in capital gains annually, as…
Key Amendments to the Succession Law Reform Act
For over two years, the pandemic has greatly impacted our way of life and has highlighted our modern society’s need for flexibility. The practice of law has been of no exception. Bill 245 – Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021, S.O, 2021, c.4 received royal assent on April 19, 2021,…
Kelly Santini Presents IBPoC Emerging Artist Award
Kelly Santini is honoured to be presenting this year’s Ottawa Arts Council Emerging Artist Award. The award recognizes and encourages the achievements of Ottawa artists who are in the early stages of their career in the arts and are working towards becoming recognized professional artists, while engaging with the community….
Don’t Leave a Mess: 5 Reasons Your Heirs Need You to Make a Will
When someone dies without having made a will, they are referred to as having died “intestate”. When someone dies intestate, administering their estate is more complicated compared to someone who dies having made a will. To begin with, it is highly likely that in order to properly administer an intestate…
Picking the Right Executor
When speaking to clients about estate planning and their wills, I have found that most people come to meetings having given considerable thought as to how and to whom they would like their assets distributed. This isn’t surprising. After all, a key purpose of preparing a will is to direct…