Kelly Santini is honoured to be presenting this year’s Ottawa Arts Council Emerging Artist Award. The award recognizes and encourages the achievements of Ottawa artists who are in the early stages of their career in the arts and are working towards becoming recognized professional artists, while engaging with the community….
News & Resources
COVID Prompts Reform of Ontario Court Procedures
The COVID-19 Pandemic becomes a catalyst to the modernization of litigation in Ontario beginning with changes to the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure effective January 1, 2021 With the temporary closures of in-person courts and the sudden influx of individuals working from home, the Ontario Courts were forced to adopt…
COVID-19 Impact on Civil Matters in Ontario
As of March 17th, 2020, the operations of the Ontario Superior Court have been suspended indefinitely. However, the court expects that procedural timelines will still be met and that documents will continue to be produced and that cases will proceed through virtual means to complete examinations for discovery, mediations, pre-trials,…
FAQs: Force majeure, Frustration, and COVID-19
The legal consequences of COVID-19 related shutdowns and interruptions are only beginning to be felt throughout the world. Parties involved in any form of contract are now examining their obligations and options, including invoking force majeure clauses or frustration. Below, we answer common questions about force majeure or frustration and…

Samantha Iturregui Sworn in as Deputy Judge of the Small Claims Court
Congratulations to Samantha Iturregui on her swearing in as a Deputy Judge of the Small Claims Court. As a Deputy Judge, Samantha will preside over Small Claims proceedings in Ottawa a few days per month. A fluently bilingual lawyer, Samantha has been a member of the Kelly Santini litigation group since…

Enforcing Judgments from other Jurisdictions in Ontario
In our modern global economy where cross-border transactions are prevalent, Ontario courts have increasingly recognized other jurisdiction’s laws and decisions. Notwithstanding a greater recognition of foreign judgments, creditors continue to face legal and practical challenges in enforcing foreign judgements in Ontario. Enforcing Judgments from Other Provinces All Canadian provinces and…

$300K and Counting
On October 6th, Kelly Santini LLP hosted the 12th annual Special Olympics Festival Breakfast at the Shaw Centre. Since its inception in 2005, the breakfast has raised over $300,000 for Special Olympics athletes in Eastern Ontario. Special thanks to key note speaker Tessa Bonhomme and MC Vic Rauter for the…

Lisa Langevin elected to USLAW board of directors
Kelly Santini’s Lisa Langevin was elected USLAW Network Inc.’s board of directors at the association’s recent annual meeting. Kelly Santini became USLAW’s first Canadian member in 2011. Today the network consists of over 100 law firms and 6,000 lawyers who work together to deliver consistent, cohesive and cost-effective legal services…