David Stout
David turns complex legal issues into clear and effective business strategies.
Contact David
Legal Clerk / Assistant
Bonnie Thompson
For over forty years, David has advised companies and organizations of every size on all aspects of business law. From start-up businesses to large international companies, David’s experience includes incorporations, corporate reorganizations, and mergers and acquisitions. He also takes an active role advising on strategic planning, strategic alliances, policy development, and succession planning. He can turn complex legal issues into clear and effective strategies, and many clients have counted on his knowledgeable and sound counsel for over forty years.
David has served as general corporate counsel for federal, provincial, and international organizations, including national and provincial non-profits. He is the secretary and corporate counsel for a number of Canadian businesses in the manufacturing and IT sectors and legal counsel for a Canadian multi-employer pension plan.
In 1999, David was retained as lead counsel on behalf of the Office of the Interim Commissioner for the Territory of Nunavut. He continues to practice within Nunavut, providing legal services and business advice to individuals, businesses operating within the Territory of Nunavut, and the Government of Nunavut.
David spends most of his time outside of the office with his family.