News & Resources


Digital Life: After Death

Not all that long ago, the topic of digital life would not have been a concern when it came to estate planning or estate administration. As it is becoming more common to be consumed with our digital lives, it is also becoming more important to consider your digital life after…

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Insure a Safe Flight

If you were lucky enough to get a drone for Christmas, there are a few things you should know before taking it out for your first test drive. Much ink has been spilled on this topic of late, so I’ll do my best to keep this succinct. Drones technically fall…

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Preparing Your Business for Sale – Updated Guide

As a business owner, you’ve spent years establishing your company. You’ve managed it through challenges and built it into the successful operation it is today. Selling can be a tough decision, and if you are considering a sale, now is the time to arm yourself with the facts to ensure…

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Residential Real Estate FAQs

Buying or selling a home can be a daunting process, especially if you are going through the process for the fist time.  The team at Kelly Santini LLP helps 1000s of people with their real estate transactions every year and here to help answer any of your questions.   Here…

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Is that Property Properly Excluded?

Generally, following a separation, each spouse is required to account for his/her net family property (i.e. assets, debts, liabilities) with certain property being excluded from the calculation. The courts then equalize the parties’ net family properties, with the spouse who has a lower net family property being entitled to one-half…

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Restructuring your business for tax efficiency

Your company’s corporate structure may be the same as the day you opened your doors or it may have evolved over time. Either way, while your current structure may have made sense in the past, it may not be ideal for the purpose of selling your business. The following is…

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