Wills & Trusts

Our Estate Planning team works closely with you to review and understand your personal and financial circumstances and recommend Will and Trust options which meet your objectives and minimize your tax burden.   We’ll work with you on an on-going basis and advise you about how changes in your life, and changes in the law, will affect your existing estate plans.


Well planned estates include the need for carefully thought out wills. There are many options to consider and our team will guide you through the best choices for your unique circumstances. The result will be a will that reflects your wishes, minimizes your estates tax and probate fees and reduces the chances of a dispute amongst your beneficiaries.

Our experience advising clients on wills includes:

  • Preparation of will, dual wills and the use of testamentary trusts
  • Appointment of executors of your estate and the granting of powers to them
  • Guardianship of minor children
  • Charitable donation planning

If you would like to discuss how we can help you prepare a will to reflect your wishes and minimize your estate fees, we’d be glad to hear from you.


In many circumstances, when planning your estate we may identify opportunities where establishing a trust would be beneficial to you and your beneficiaries.  There are many different forms of trusts for a range of diverse circumstances and many can be established during your life time.

The Estate Planning team at Kelly Santini LLP has helped countless individuals and families protect their assets and future by creating:

  • Inter vivos trusts
  • Testamentary trusts
  • Family trusts
  • Cottage trusts
  • Alter ego trusts
  • Henson trusts
  • Insurance trusts
  • Spousal trusts
Meet Your Wills & Trusts Team

We would be pleased to discuss Wills and the potential benefits of Trusts. Please call or email a  member of our estate planning team.

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